“I heard about Diabeta since last year’s Society Congress. I think it’s a real utility in the office because we’re dealing with more and more molecules. It helps us to be in step with what is happening, so that we have the best possible control of the situation in the office and help our patients get to where they want to get to, that is, to good control,” says Asist. Univ. Dr. Vlad Florian Avram, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timișoara.
Launched last year, the chatbot for diabetologists – Diabeta answers doctors’ questions about the molecules used in the treatment of diabetes. Diabeta processes a broad base of official information from guidelines, protocols and summaries of product characteristics and provides users with answers to questions about available diabetes treatments. Diabeta is available free of charge for doctors, based on an access account that can be requested at www.diabeta.ro.
We proudly developed Diabeta using advanced AI tools and resources. The app is made available to healthcare professional communities managed by Oameni și Companii and it is supported by Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim and Medtronic.