It was presented yesterday Pharmachat, an innovative and advanced chatbot, which brings the concept of professional support for medical and pharmaceutical care in Romania to another level.
Pharmachat is a state-of-the-art technological product, developed by the company Apollo AI Technologies. Apollo AI Technologies has relevant AI experience marked by the success of the first chatbot, Diabeta, which was launched in 2021. Chatbot Diabeta is addressed to specialists in the field of diabetes, but also to other therapeutic areas, such as cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology, etc. Diabeta was developed in close collaboration with important names in the global pharmaceutical industry, such as Novo Nordisk, Boehringer- Ingelheim and Medtronic and was very well received by the medical world. Pharmachat is the second iteration of Apollo AI Technologies, specialized in the use of artificial intelligence, to develop intelligent interfaces for health.
With the launch of Pharmachat, we enter a new era of professional health support services, in which access to any information about medicines authorized in Romania is just a click away.
Pharmachat combines modern solutions for processing knowledgeable medical information and artificial intelligence technologies to provide easy access to specialist information to all health professionals.
Pharmachat processes over 8,500 medical leaflets for medicines authorized in Romania, offering instant access to over 1.7 million drug interactions. Pharmachat becomes the essential guide for all health professionals looking for up-to-date and relevant information about medicines.
During the launch event, the Pharmachat functionalities and how this tool brings real value to doctors and pharmacists were presented, facilitating the process of making informed decisions in the field of health.
”In the process of developing Pharmachat, I had the privilege of collaborating closely with Alphega Romania pharmacy community. Thus, I worked with a team of top pharmacists to test and validate the Pharmachat functionalities. This collaboration provided us with valuable feedback and assured us that Pharmachat is successfully fulfilling its role of solving the daily problems of doctors and pharmacists. Thus, the partnership with Alphega demonstrates our commitment to providing an excellent product and to continuously improve the experience of our users. By joining forces with big names in the pharmaceutical industry and using state-of-the-art technology, we are determined to continue to innovate for the benefit of the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Pharmachat is the future of healthcare and pharmaceuticals and we are happy to share this experience with all those passionate about health and technology ” said Mihela Onofrei, GM Apollo AI Technologies.
”I am impressed by the efficiency and added value that Pharmachat brings to the work of those who work daily with information about medicines. The team of Alphega pharmacists who tested Pharmachat was very pleased with the functionality and extremely fast responses offered by the application. Pharmachat is already an indispensable tool for obtaining official and up-to-date information on medicines authorized in Romania. I am convinced that Pharmachat will very quickly become an indispensable digital partner for anyone working in the pharmaceutical field ”, transmitted Valentin Gorbănescu, Country Manager, Alphega.
Pharmachat was developed by a Romanian company, Apollo AI Technologies, specialized in the development of professional applications based on artificial intelligence. The application is made available to doctors and pharmacists with the support of partner Alphega. For more information about Pharmachat and how you can access the app if you are a doctor or pharmacist, visit the platform