Diabeta developers were present on March 14-16 at an event dedicated to professionals in specialties such as diabetes, nutrition and metabolic diseases, cardiology, endocrinology, nephrology, neurology, International Conference on Interdisciplinary Management of Diabetes Mellitus and its Complications (INTERDIAB).
The Diabeta team was present at INTERDIAB to provide healthcare specialists with support in testing and using the chatbot of diabetologists. At the Diabeta booth, doctors could see live demonstrations of the app’s functionalities. The team was also present to answer questions on how to use it for interested doctors.
“We are glad to have Diabeta with us at INTERDIAB. It is a joy for us to share with as many resident doctors, specialists, mayors as possible, the benefit that Diabeta can bring in their daily practice”, said Roxana Plamadiala, resident diabetologist.
Diabeta is recognized as a useful and easy-to-use tool that helps healthcare professionals provide them with the information they need. With an intuitive interface and functionalities adapted to the needs of doctors, Diabeta becomes a reliable partner in the fight against diabetes and its complications.
Also, Dr. Roxana Plamădiala added: “I see Diabeta as a virtual assistant, who can answer me at any time, to informed information that I do not know at that moment.” Thus, Diabeta proves to be useful and reliable. Diabeta’s active presence at INTERDIAB underlined the company’s commitment to bring innovation and efficiency to the management of diabetes and metabolic diseases, thereby strengthening its position as a leader in digital solutions for sănătate.la INTERDIAB underlined the company’s commitment to bring innovation and efficiency to the management of diabetes and metabolic diseases, thereby strengthening its position as a leader in digital solutions for health.
Diabeta was developed by a Romanian company, Apollo AI Technologies, specialized in developing professional applications based on artificial intelligence. The app is made available to doctors in professional medical communities run by Oameni și Companii, with the support of partners Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim and Medtronic. The application is available free of charge for doctors and can be accessed based on a user account that can be requested on www.diabeta.ro.