Diabeta: the first chatbot dedicated to health professionals and endorsed by ANMDM

“ About a year ago, I accepted the challenge launched by health professionals and started developing the first chatbot in Romania, which was endorsed by the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. Diabetes uses artificial intelligence algorithms, thus being able to answer users’ questions alone ” told us Mihaela Onofrei, GM & Co-Founder Apollo AI Technologies the beginnings of the appearance diabeta, within Rodiabet Specialist Hour of July 6, 2023.

To ensure that Diabeta answers questions from specialists correctly, the Apollo team has ensured that it uses only information from official sources, endorsed by the authorities, such as the Diabetes Therapeutic Protocol, the Sugar Diabetes Management Guide, the Molecule Protocols, respectively the Characteristic Summaries of the Products used in the National Diabetes Program. ”In addition, we work hard with a medical team that helps us continuously implement new functionalities that we test and validate together. Another very important aspect to specify is that we constantly update the processed information, and users of our application can be sure that they have access to the latest version of the documentation.” continued to explain Mihaela Onofrei’s operation of the Diabeta chatbot.

450 doctors use Diabetes

More than 450 doctors are already using Diabeta, most of whom are diabetes doctors, because this was the segment for which the development of the chatbot began, but due to participation in large medical events, the Apollo team has identified new development opportunities and new functionalities that can be of real help to other categories of doctors, for example, family doctors. ”We have recently integrated the medication component for diabetes that a family doctor can prescribe, in accordance with thetherapeutic protocol, and in just a few seconds Diabetes responds, according to the Protocol, if he can prescribe that medicine free of charge.” Mihaela Onofrei said in the professional debate.

The newest functionality of the Diabeta chatbot, which helps both users and the application development team a lot, is the real-time feedback component, allowing the development team to verify the responses marked by the user as incomplete or incorrect and to validate the correct response with the specialists in the scientific board.

Any interested doctor, regardless of specialization, can register on www.diabeta.ro to access quick information about the treatments available for diabetes and to provide the best care for its patients!

Diabetes was presented during the professional debate Rodiabetes Specialist’s Time, organized on July 6, 2023 and dedicated to family doctors and their role in the prevention and screening of diabetes. Rodiabetes Specialist Time is an initiative of RoDiabet platform developed with the support of partners: Alliance Healthcare Romania,  Alphega PharmacyBoehringer Ingelheim,Diabetes,LiamedMedtronic,Novo Nordisk and Worwag Pharma.


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