Dr. Delia Reurean Pintilei: Diabeta is a very good idea that must go further

The diabetes doctor is also one of the first specialists to have the opportunity to test Diabeta, the first AI chatbot dedicated to diabetologists in Romania.

Diabeta is a very good idea and must go further in its development. This chatbot is clearly helpful, because we have a large number of prescription protocols for a large number of molecules, which are often updated, and an app that shows you the latest updated version actually gives you extra time with the patient who needs you. Diabeta increases the speed with which you can check which is the right therapeutic intervention for the patient, including from a legislative perspective” says Dr. Delia Reurean Pintilei, Primary Physician Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases

Diabeta processes a wide information base from official diabetes guides and protocols, as well as the SPCs of medicines authorized for the Romanian market, to answer questions about treatments available for diabetes. Interested doctors can use the application for free, based on a user account that can be requested on www.diabeta.ro.

Diabeta was developed by a Romanian company, Apollo AI Technologies, specialized in the development of professional applications based on artificial intelligence. The application is made available to doctors in professional medical communities administered by Oameni si Companii, with the support of the partners Novo NordiskBoehringer Ingelheim and Medtronic.


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