Dr. Roxana Maria Fărcaș: I encourage all young doctors to discover Diabeta

“Along with my colleagues, I can say that I am among the first users of the chatbot. I am very pleased that we have a way to educate ourselves in an intuitive, fast and accessible way, at any time, so I encourage all young doctors to discover Diabeta and use it with confidence”, says Dr. Roxana Maria Fărcaș.

Dr. Roxana Fărcaș would appreciate expanding the chatbot to information about insulin pumps or continuous glucose monitoring sensors. “I believe that any additional educational material that covers a wider range of information also covers a wider range of needs. As such, it seems auspicious to me, I think that the future of diabetes in Romania has an optimistic trajectory. I see that many technologies are starting to appear and develop more and more in our country, so I am happy for the chance for patients diagnosed with diabetes to have an easier life”, says Dr. Farcaș.

Doctors interested in using Diabeta can do so for free, requesting an access account on www.diabeta.ro. After registration, they can chat with Diabeta and find answers to questions about available diabetes treatments, answers generated from official processed sources, including official diabetes guidelines and protocols, as well as SPCs of available drugs.

We proudly developed Diabeta using advanced AI tools and resources. The app is made available to healthcare professional communities managed by Oameni și Companii and it is supported by Novo Nordisk,  Boehringer Ingelheim and Medtronic.


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