We are present at Central European Diabetes Association Congress

Between June 8 and 10, the Apollo AI Technologies team is present at the Diabeta stand, at the Central European Diabetes Association congress, to provide support in testing and using the chatbot for diabetologists.

CEDA is the event of the year in Romania for diabetologists, a large-scale event attended by several hundred doctors interested in current topics in the field of diabetes treatments.

The team that created Diabeta will be present at the congress to demonstrate the functionality of the app and provide registration and usage support for interested physicians. Doctors are expected at the Diabeta stand throughout the congress, for any need for information and support in use.

Diabeta is the first chatbot app dedicated to diabetes doctors and beyond, answering questions about available diabetes treatments. The application processes a large volume of references from the diabetes guidelines and protocols, as well as the RCPs of drugs authorized on the Romanian market. The application is available free of charge for doctors, non-stop, and can be accessed based on a user account that can be requested on www.diabeta.ro.

We proudly developed Diabeta using advanced AI tools and resources. The app is made available to healthcare professional communities managed by Oameni și Companii and it is supported by Novo Nordisk,  Boehringer Ingelheim and Medtronic.


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